Monday, May 26, 2008

Yep I definatly love green!

It almost been a week already since I posted my last freebie. I have been busy with my mums birthday coming up half-way June. As an extra present I have been working on this photoalbum about our trip to Rome. It is 40 pages, but it is almost done now. Yay!!

So here is a new freebie for you. It is an alpha. It is lower case, if anyone is interested in the matching upper case and numbers, please let me know and I will see what I can do.

You can dowload the alpha below.

--- I am sorry you have missed this freebie, but join my newsletter subscribers and don't miss them again. ---

2 reacties:

Anonymous said...

I definitely love your alpha. :-))
Thanks much!

Anonymous said...

I love this alpha! I hope you will build out the remaining letters etc. I LOVE GREEN TOO!